How to Pack a Suitcase: Efficient Packing Tips for Your Next Trip

by holidaysbythepub


So you’ve got an amazing trip planned (hooray!), but now you’re staring at a big pile of clothes and a suitcase that now looks a bit small and wondering how you’re going to fit it all.

I’ve been there. From packing for a three-week business trip in a 26-liter backpack to packing a duffel bag light enough to haul it into the Himalayas, I’ve dealt with some serious packing challenges. And I’ve learned a lot along the way.

Learning how to pack a suitcase for a big trip (or even a small trip) can feel intimidating, but fortunately, there are some easy packing tips that will help you along the way.

I’ll walk you through how to pack everything from socks to wine bottles, and the top packing tips for maximizing space in your suitcase. It’s a bit like a game of Tetris, and after you’ve done it a few times, packing your suitcase to take the absolute best advantage of your available storage space can become a fun challenge.

So what are you w


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